In the framework of international science conference “Innovation and Creativity” in Liepaja University 1st year students of the Bachelor study programme “Design” had an opening of a self-portrait exhibition.
The guest lecturer Vakaris Bernotas from Vilnius Academy of Art, who is currently working within the project “Development of the academic staff of the University of Liepājas in areas of strategic specialisation – science, mathematics and information technologies, art, social sciences, commercial and rights” No, says: “Each student’s work is different and unique, and each student has gradually worked on his or her own self-portrait. Each of them have succeeded in making very good self-portraits and here are displayed the best ones.”
Students reflected very positively about the exhibition. As one of the students, Liga Ekshtein (Līga Ekšteina) says: “The idea of finding your story is exciting, the teacher gives you to look in yourself and understand, who we are in the art world. We are excited to see our works already in the 1st course. We have also learned technical skills of how to create an exhibition and for all that we are very grateful to the guest lecturer. “
Photos from the exhibition: